Putting It All Together

Over the next couple of days, we'll be compiling all of our fx tests and animation into a rough draft of the full advertisement. 

Thursday - Feb 1

In class today, we met and discussed our progress. After receiving feedback from our professors, we updated our priority list and created a plan of action based on dependencies.

Since last class, I've blended the camera move from shot 1 into the camera movement of shot 2. I achieved by using multiple null's in the object level to scale, translate, and rotate the alembic into position. Here are the nodes that I used to align the camera:

Here is video showing the progress:

Friday  - Feb 2

I sent the video seen above in our slack channel for feedback and I was asked to put the camera move in context. After duplicating some of our building assets, I completed the layout by EOD. Here is a video with my progress:

When Josephine and I tried to render the scene, the farm wouldn't return frames. This was due to some odd behavior that I've only seen a couple of other times. Nodes other than the render operators were appearing on the farm submission page. Once I read through the render logs, I caught the issue. We'll be sure to select the correct node while submitting to the farm.

To fill out the layout in the video above, I created a very simple procedural building with a random color per window. Here's a screenshot of the building and the node network the created it. If we decide to utilize this building more, I'll create user controls so we can adjust each building quickly.

To fill out the layout in the video above, I created a very simple procedural building with a random color per window. Here's a screenshot of the building and the node network the created it. If we decide to utilize this building more, I'll create user controls so we can adjust each building quickly.

While creating the layout, I looked at the reference we collected. I noticed that the streets in the reference were significantly smaller than our scene. While waiting in the render farm queue, I created an alternate layout for shot 2.