Plates and Pixels

This past week we've done a lot of asset work.

Tuesday - Jan 30

On Saturday, Austin, Josephine, and Chaithanya filmed the live action plate. I've linked our whole review video below.

My contribution this week was all on the CG side of things.

Shot 2:

I edited the camera move to be slower and only rotate around half of the character. This allows us to have less motion blur in our shot. There is still a small jitter in the animation that I will be working on in the following week.

I also created a new portal effect using the SOP level RBD tools. Here's the setup:

Within the RBD solver I used pop nodes to affect the motion of the pixels.

Here's how I built the velocity volume in the pop advect by volume node. I used the tangent field node to create the twirling force.

Here are my priorities in order of importance for next review:

New portal revision
Fixing the shot 2 camera
Fade off portal.